The link below will take you to Vanco Payment Solutions’ website where you can set up one-time or recurring donations to the church.

First Fruit Offering
We have now made available to you the First Fruit Offering with the Christian Financial Credit Union, Inc. This is a great option for your regular giving because there are NO FEES for either the credit union or the church. ALL of what you are giving will go to MHUMC Tithes and Offerings. This can be set up weekly or monthly. This service is only available for deduction from checking or savings accounts. This can be easily started, stopped or changed working with Financial Secretary, Bobbie Carrelli.
Simply print and fill out the First Fruit Offering Giving Form
You can scan this form along with a voided check and email both to Bobbie Carrelli at carrelli2@hotmail.com or mail them both directly to the church.
Monfort Heights UMC
3682 West Fork Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45247
Attn: Financial Secretary, Bobbie Carrelli